Tue 21 Jan
$60:80SPECIALS. 3054075293👌🏽 Spankable Ass📷 THEE Best U Will Ever Have 👌🏆 🍓Juicy BOOTY Black Barbie 🚺 - 69
(Columbia, GARNERS FERRY. Near Waffle House)
💋age 40 and up . Beautiful Girl looking for fun with a older gentlemen ..... No men under 40 - - 26
(Columbia, Columbia, your place)
•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS •-:¦:-• SiNFuLLy SeDUCTiVE •-:¦:-• ExOtIc & SeXy HaWAiiAn & AsIaN•-:¦:-• - 23
(Columbia, St andrews rd)
*¨¨*-: ✦ :-*__B __R __ E__A __T__H__T__A __K__ I __N__G__*-: ✦ :- - 28
(Columbia/ Farrow Rd/ Two Notch)
ATTEN***New to The Met,60,80, 150,MMM: I'm Ready👅 .. ... - 31
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd.{In / Calls })
$40Qv•$60Hh TIGHT&Soak;💦🆕pics Thick BIG Booty MIA Love ALL Races Gentlemen ONLY😘 - 21
(Columbia, Garners ferry rd incalls only 💦🍆)
35 booble 45qvs ?WHERE THE WHITE BOYS AT? with your sexy n petite treat... 150 3ring special - 19
(Columbia, off i26)
🆕🆕🆕$45 $45 rose spl🌟 👅AMAZING Skills💦 👋Spankable Booty🍑 Call Now (803)490-8950 - 21
(Columbia, Two Notch/decker blvd)
!!!!!!! ALERT ALERT hottie On ThE LooSe GiVe mE A CaLl tHis WeEkeNd OnlY!!!!!!!! - 20
(Columbia, Bush river rd)
1 StOp ShOP * CuTe N" Th@ FaCe* F@T Azz sLiM WaISTe - 20
(Columbia, Incalls5O/Outcalls8O Columbia Cutie I20)
Victoria Style, Lexie & Rainy @ Southern Belle's Spa 💋 Complimentary Tableshowers - 19
(1405-B Rushmore Rd Cola SC, Charleston, Columbia)
30 top 40 qv"👅💦come have the night you'll never forget with the best💯💋" - 19
(Columbia, Gardner's ferry)
{} •☆• ©RAV!NG ~ SoM€ON€... ThIcK & K¡Nk¥? •☆• CoMe SeE Me..NEW PRO PICS - 29
(Columbia, safe/discreet apartment (two knotch rd))
#1RECOMENDED FRIDAYS SPECIAL EDITION COMPANION---» im ALL you'll ever need call now! 8037209404 - 22
(Columbia, sumter and surounding areas)
✋👅😘💦🍫30$ Incall qv special West columbia👍New pics🍫💦KIESHA CALL NOW 803-403-0550 - 21
(Columbia, West Columbia)
💦💋$40 $60hh $130hr💋💦 Leaving The Bussiness Last few days in town Don't miss out on the best Redhead - 21
(Columbia, 💋worth the drive💋 Piney Grove Rd 😘)
✨$45 💦$60 hh 💦$100 hr ✨ CoLLeGe ReDhEaD FrEaK 💋 BeAuTy & BooTy 💋 LeT Me ShOw U My MaGiC TrIcKs✨ - 21
(Columbia, Columbia bush river)
$$50 SPECIAL 11am-4pm *♥*{{DoNT MiSS OuT}} ::: GORGEOUS EBONY GREAT BODY *♥* - 19
(Columbia 803-463-1806)
$40 $40 Specials All Day & Night Don't Miss Out On ONE Sexy Carmel Chick $40 $40 - 22
(Columbia, two notch)
50 & Hot! The Sexxy Tiger is Back 4 a couple of days! Serious Callers Only! - 51
(Columbia, Columbia Sc)
❤ 2 COLLEGE GIRLS ❤ Petite❤ Ebony❤ Barbies SPEACIALS ALL NIGHT!!!!!!! - - 20
__ ✘ℴ 💎 ✘100% NEW PinkkY iN-Out Callℴ Spec.__ ✘ℴ 💎 ✘ℴ _______✘ℴ 💎 ✘ℴ ________ ✘ℴ 💎 ✘ℴ ______ - 22
(Columbia, I-20 Broad River)
•••••▓ ►2 Jʉ!CY A§§ P€T!T€* 2 HOTT LADIES 🔥__Kinky & Freaky 🍒 JerSey_ PartyGirls🎊 Arriving (3-27 - 20
(Columbia, Incall Or Outcall 2Notch (private HOTEL))
Seeking gay adult talent for reality series
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
*♥♡♥(come PLAY with ME !!) A unforgetable EXPERIENCE !! *♥♡♥←→←→ (Lastday) - 21
Available all morning and afternoon **ALLY** $$ALLY$$ ^^ALLY^^ Your fave addiction! - 21
(6147518328 incall)
~~~All Night Friday after Thanksgiving 50 Roses Incall Specials!!! Shanna Lee ~~~ - 27
(Columbus, North Columbus)
DOMiNiCAN TREAT🚫40Qv Spclz🚫 CurVy!💙ŦØXI₡💚💛 §ŦIMULAŦI₦G 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ💖🍭₩Ạ₦Ŧ€D ➓◢◤➓◢◤➓◢Melissa Foxx◤ - 20
(Columbia, PineyGrove UPSCALE🚪💰)
☆★☆$70qv SpLzz with (Black Chyna) private location Outcalls only starting with $70qv, $120hh,☆★☆ - 19
(Columbia, outcalls only to upscale/privatelocatio)
My name is selena im ready and willing to give u all my time....i want u to enjoy me ;) - 21
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In your arms ;))
BeAuTy😘😘BrAiNs😍😍AnD MuCh MoRe👍👍So ChEck Me OuT NoW!!!!SPECIALS TILL 7Am - 23 - 23
(Columbia, Two Notch)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, everywhere)