Mon 27 Jan
Sexy, Petite, ready to have some fun, and make your night complete!! CALL ME!! 3185811417 - 30
(New Orleans, French quarter, nola,)
SEDUCTIVE... Sexy 💋 {{LiMiTeD TiMe Only}} 💋 {{FeTiSH FrieNDLY}} 💋 PLEASURE PrinCeSS - 23
Samantha.. (619)3578152. Frisky redhead. Im available! - 46
(East county, East SD County, San Diego)
9/26 CHINESE Woman Intimacy and Loves the Older Gentlemen Real Pics - 40
(San Jose / South Bay, East Bay, Santa clara,Montague Express)
SAN DIEGO Tonite * Rock Star Reviews & References * Incredible Credible Playmate * BEST OUTCALL NOW - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego Your Home or Hotel Outcall)
★*¨¨*★40min-$40! 👅🍒 Luxury suites !❤ Visit today !👅►408-947-6001 -◄HOT ASIAN ACTION! - 25
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, W San Carlos St x Meridian)
________ ★ S U P E R*** S E X Y ★ ________ - 22
(Point Loma / San Diego)
{S E X Y-=-S K I L L E D & E X T R E M E L Y A D D I C T I V E!} $100 INCALL SPECIAL!! - 25
$60 - $100 - $140 IM SO READY!! ;) Call Me Alana.. :-* NEW PIX..!! - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, ONLY Incalls In Milpitas, CA)
—— ♥—— ♥S_U_p_E_R * S_E_X_Y ♥ B_L_o_n_D_e * Pl_L_A_y_m_A_t_E♥ ——♥ —— - 23
(Carlsbad Incall & Outcall, City of San Diego, San Diego)
🌁💧Put that ☔ away and come lay with me Leigh☔💧💧💧.. - 30
(Mid-City, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton, where are you!)
=====❀ █ ▓ SAN MARCOS $PECIALS INCALL OR OUT ▓ █ ❀===== ;) - 22
(North SD County, San Marcos/Escondido/Vista/Carlsbad/78)
{S H E' S} __ (A) __ *J A W* __ (D R O P P E R) __ *W I T H* A__ [N A U G H T Y] __ *S I D E - - - 20
(City of San Diego, College Area// InCalls/ Outcalls)
New GIRL ***** ***** The HOTTEST Ebony You Will EVER Find ****** Look NO More ******* - 20
🙌💯% Real 💖CURVY 💃💦💃exOtic 💃💦💃🎂 SPeciALS & MiLiTARY FRiENDLY 🎂💯💖 - 24
(City of San Diego, Private Incall & Outcall 💜)
☆———☆ ReaL PiCs! ☆———☆ ReaL GiRL! ☆———☆ ReaL FuN!☆———☆ BuSTy CaLiFoRNia BLoNDe! ☆———☆ - 23
(la jolla ,cardiff,carmel valley, del mar, North SD County, San Diego)
**PhaT*** (B)ooTY. ur special treat IS aWaIting u military special check out my reviews on - 21
(call me specials)
💕phat AZz BOoty💜 juicy G Spot💙💋 S p e c I a L s all Day Baby💕💜💙💋 - 22
(City of San Diego, La Jolla Eastlake jamul, San Diego)
P E R F E C T* REVIEWED ♥ Ex0tic 100%REAL SUPER exotic OUTCALL*PLAYMATE ♥ 619-581-1973 - 19
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS-incall mission valley)
pacific beach (619)313-0057 ⛵petite ⛵blonde ready NOW! ⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵ - 30
(City of San Diego, pacific beach, San Diego)
*•°o☆NEW*•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE WHAT I DO ☆°o*•° ☆°o*•° INCALL *•°o☆ - 25
(North SD County, Carlsbad Off 5 Freeway)
Outcall Only! 💕 Sεxy 💎 Cℓαssy 💎 Busty Blonde 💎 Pℓαγmαtε 💎 VIP PROVIDER 💕 - 26
(City of San Diego, OUTCALL, San Diego)
★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ EXOTIC★•°o° •★ STUNNiNG ★•.*PlAYMAT€☆▪▪☆ - 22
(North SD County, San Diego, Your Place 💋)
🍒💜♥ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜�#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭816 522 1282 - 35
(Kansas City, KANSAS CITY ,MO 1OO INCALL 816 522 1282)
▄▀▄▀▄▀NEW ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ SEXY ————MIXED BARBIE !!———HOTEST ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
( ♥ ♥ NEW PICS 100% REAL ♥ ♥ )╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) ♥ NeW PiCs ♥ click ╚» - 21
(North SD County, La Jolla / UTC Area INcall OR OUTcall)
Highly Reviewed~ Independent~ Provider of Pleasure~ At Your Service~ - 35
(North SD County, Private Residence @ Carlsbad Village I-5)
.SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*• MY •*¨¨*• BEST •*¨¨*• QUALITY! •*¨¨*• - 22
PeTiTe CaRaMeL-SkiNned BeAuTy wiTh a HoT BodY & AmaZinG SkiLLs!xoxo2 Girls special. - 23
(St. Louis, Illinois Side Incall or Outcall)
Ready for the Tropics? heres your chance Costa Rican mami here for a few days Ready to Please!!! - 26
(St. Louis, westport plaza area st.louis)
💋😍 Hello Gentleman, Hotel Friendly 100% REAL GIRL IN PICS.., OutCall Only 😍💋 - 25
(City of San Diego, Downtown and Surrounding Areas, San Diego)
Hello im Jessica My soft lips💋 gorgeous Booty will knock you off your feet - 21
(City of San Diego, Downtown -airport -point Loma -, San Diego)
Hot And Wild Blonde Waiting On Your Call Dont Miss Out Specials All Night Long - 25
(East SD County, el cajon/outcalls all over sandiego)
[[ ¤HAWAIIAN HOTTie [[ SeXy & F U N ]]_ No R u S h ¤1 O O% Real P i c s_ *$ 1 O O specialll - 19
(Hotel Circle)
💛💜💚HIGHLY REViEWED✨🎀💋 (((LAST CHANCE flying soon❤️petite caucasian spinner❤️))) 💜💚💜💚ASHLYN - 19
(City of San Diego, Poway / Rancho Pen)
🎀🎀 P R E C I O U S 🎀🎀 petite , beautiful , and SEXY in EVERY WAY!! 💋👅🍬💦 100% REAL - 24
(St. Louis, St.Louis)
HeY GeNts! TrEaT Ur$eLf to ME ~ ~$en$UaL* $eXXi * $wEET *cArAmeL nEcTaR *** ISIS *** - 32
(East SD County, LA MESA INCALL)
★( HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) )★ ( SuP€r SPECiALs ALL DAY» ;) ★ (PR€ttY • HoT • T€mPT¡Ng) AVALABLE NOW! - 19
(City of San Diego, el cajon incalls alll day SPECIALSS)
GORGEOUS ------- mindBlowing ------- PETITE------- DANGEROUSLY addictive ------- COLLEGE HOTTIE - 21
H o t M od el Type !!! From San Francisco ... Real Piks .... All San DiegO!!!! - 21
(North(incalls) and surrounding)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- ♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY TO PLAY - 24
(St .louis.( ) verified, St. Louis)
*★* NEW TaStY* ♡* EyE CaNdY *★ EXOtIC CuTiE* 100% Real *★ ViSiTiNG - 19
(St. Louis, AIRPORT Area IN/OUT 24/7 VISITING)
New To St,Louis Dream $70 SPECIAL And Up 2 INCALLS / CITY& County Off I 70 HIGHWAY/$150 Hr - 21
╪╪ GORGEOUS ╪╪ Y O U N G ╪╪ R E A D Y ♥ F OR ♡ F U N ★╪╪ ╪╪ 💎2 GIRL SpeCiAL💎 LETS P L A Y - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego Escort.. Outcall Only)
CuRvAciOuS BlOnDe BaBe °*° F lAwLEsS *° Bl0NdE *° PlAyMaTe100 SpEciAl WiTh ReAl PiXs - 20
(Hotel Circle/All San Diego)
((( ✰ ThE STaR oF YouR BRuNeTTe FaNTaSieS! ✰ $1OO SpeCiaLs! ))) - 22
(South County)
Come and meet this WELL REVIEWED hottie! available now!! - 26
(City of San Diego, kearny mesa in or out)
GiRLy, PETITE Sp1NNer ANNA, 103lbs, 5'3, brown hair, green eyes, *** :) very cute and affectionate - 20
(St. Louis, South County)
Pregnant Playmate Dripping Wett Ready for fun!!! (click here!!) Croatian Babe!! - 22
(nashville all areas in/out)
♥ Get A Taste Of The Finer Things... ♥ ;) ♥ Jade Cruiz. Your Upscale Companion. - 22
(St. Louis, ♥ W/ Me.. Or I'll Go 2 U.)
BustyBlonde Milf/Mature Asian/French Cougar.. Highly Reviewed - 40
(City of San Diego, East SD County, mission Valley San diego, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
F 9733;Im Th ( xOTiC ~ CuT! ) U WiSh £iVd NXt DooR +1 morning breakfeast ★ 2girl - 20
(St. Louis, incal airport area 2girl outcal spl)